Love Taiwan with Heart and Soul
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葉由根神父為匈牙利人,1935年應天主教耶穌會的招募,遠渡重洋來到中國大陸傳福音。神父所屬堂區為河北大名中心,隨後到安徽安慶學習中文,兩年後赴上海徐家匯神學院讀神學,在徐家匯就讀期間被祝聖為神父。1947 年返回河北大名中心,接著戰火連年,神父著手開辦醫院,濟世救人。1949年共產黨控制中國大陸,當地的傳教士們有的被驅離,神父則被下放勞改,最後他也被驅逐出境。
Father Jaschko is a native Hungarian. In 1935, he was recruited by the Catholic Jesuits and went to China to preach the gospel. At first he learned Chinese in Anqing, Anhui. Two years later, he was sent to Shanghai Xujiahui Jesuit Seminary to study theology. He was ordained as a priest while he was studying in Xujiahui. In 1947, he returned to Dioecesis Tamimensis, Hebei. Afterwards war for years, he set up a hospital to treat and cure patients. In 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded. Lots of missionaries were caught and deported, and Father Jaschko was sent to labor camp. Finally, he was also expelled from Mainland China.
In 1955, Father Jaschko was led by Father Gaspar Lischerong, S.J. to Chiayi, Taiwan. He not only went to preach but set up "the Hospital for the Poor" to treat patients in Dongshi, Lucao, Puzi, and Budai on the coastal area of Chiayi. In 1970s, Taiwan was gradually prospering, but the management of "the Hospital for the Poor" gradually became difficult. At last, that Hospital was closed. During that time, Father Jaschko was sent to serve in the diocese of Hsinchu. One day, when he saw many intellectually challenged children wandering on the streets, he decided to help them. In 1975 he established the "Saint Joseph Special Education Center (Benevolence and Enlightenment Center)" in the Hsinchu Catholic Church.
As Saint Joseph Special Education Center accommodated more and more intellectually challenged children, he found the 1,700-square-meter Missionary School in Guanxi in 1983. And then, it has been restructured and renamed "Hua-kuang Learning Center", and operated independently, In 1984, the board of directors was established, and the Center renamed "Private Catholic Hua-kuang Intelligent Development Center." As for the operating method of the Center, Father Jaschko hoped to follow the pattern of the French L'Arche communities so that the intellectually challenged people can live normally. Therefore, the life style in Hua-kuang Center always followed an open style to let the intellectually challenged people to live in the simple Hakka town Guanxi, and these intellectually challenged people can be accepted and loved by the townspeople.
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In order to allow these intellectually challenged people to live more comfortablely with dignity, the 94-year-old Father Jaschko still worked vigorously to plan a permanent home " Hua-kuang Welfare Villa". In 2011, under the expectation of the general public, the dream of many years has been realized. This villa, also named "Kert Jaschko", was built.
Father Jaschko passed away on March 17, 2009. He was 99. During the last moments of his life, he was still concerned about missionary work with his strong faith and huge heart. He blessed all beloved members of Hua-kuang, church and friends. He is always willing to make more and more people believe in the grace of the Lord.